So you want to work in… Charity comms?

About the author

Lateefah Jean-Baptiste is a media officer at Terrence Higgins Trust.

What is charity comms?

It involves communicating on behalf of a good cause in order to support its mission to improve lives. The comms role is often combined with a fundraising role in not-for-profit organisations, so you’re enabling the charity to fulfil its purpose.

How do I get into charity comms?

Lateefah Jean-Baptiste

I recommend signing up to, as they post all the latest jobs within the sector. Also, when applying for the jobs remember to display some sort of passion for the charity’s mission and values.

I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of two interview panels for jobs in the sector, and this experience taught me that in some cases the passion you show can often outweigh your experience (but not always).

Also, it always looks good on your application if you have volunteered at any charitable organisation previously, but it’s not a requirement.

What’s the best thing about working in charity comms?

Working in charity comms means that the work you’re doing in some way will contribute and/or have an impact on someone’s lives. This is one of the most rewarding parts of working in charity comms.

As I work for a HIV and sexual health charity, I have had the privilege of giving people who live with/been affected by HIV the chance to share their stories on their terms. Many people would love to share their stories with the media, but just don’t know how to go about it. 


Working with journalists can be intimidating at first, especially if you don’t understand how the industry works, so as a charity comms person you’re able to bridge the gap between the case studies you work with and the media, and make the process a lot less intimidating.

Are there any drawbacks to working in charity comms?

For most charities there is constant focus on funding, which is understandable when you consider charities depend on funding to deliver their services. However, I don’t particularly think this is a drawback, but it’s definitely something worth acknowledging if you’re planning on venturing into charity comms.

What’s the difference between doing it in house or in an agency?

Working with a PR agency that solely focuses on charitable clients means that you’ll have to get to grips with various charities missions and values and keep that in mind when curating PR campaigns and comms content – which may be difficult for some. Whereas working in house means you only focus on achieving one mission and one value so it’s less to juggle.

Is charity comms right for me?

Part of my role now includes pitching human interest stories and features that highlight the work we do as a charity. 

So if you’re good at pitching to the press, know how to identify a news story, or better yet have some sort of background or experience working in journalism then charity comms might be one for you.