Shortlist announced for #prstudent #bestPRblogs

About the author

Richard Bailey Hon FCIPR is editor of PR Academy Insights. He has taught and assessed undergraduate, postgraduate and professional students.

‘The closest I get to Manhattan and my office these days’ @orlaghclaire on Instagram
‘The closest I get to Manhattan and my office these days’ @orlaghclaire on Instagram

Now, having featured 246 posts from 31 students at seven different universities across the UK, we’re ready to announce who’s been shortlisted as this year’s Best PR student Blogger.

Let’s praise the individuals with the creativity and stamina to have appeared in our weekly rankings most frequently. Here’s our leaderboard (minimum five appearances).

Name University Appearances
Niamh Murray Ulster 27
Emma Rogers Solent 22
Hannah Chambers Ulster 21
Abi Kitcher Solent 15
Teela Clayton  Leeds Beckett 12
Emma Street Lincoln 10
Rory Drake Sunderland 9
Charlotte Price Sunderland 9
Connor Lamb Sunderland 8
Siobhan McKerr Ulster 7
Steven Batey Sunderland 6
Noirin O’Neill Ulster 6
Cassandra Roos Solent 5


We’re shortlisting Niamh Murray and Emma Rogers. For them, the contest stays alive for another month, though they are under no obligation to continue to post to their blogs. By the end of May, our 2018 and 2019 #bestPRblogs winner Orlagh Shanks will nominate her successor from these two. 

We are commending Hannah Chambers for an outstanding achievement, but she’s not been shortlisted as she chose to focus on projects other than her blog towards the end of the academic year.

When we rank the entries by university one institution – Ulster University – dominates, both on the number of students featured and the number of posts included. (Please note: some universities assess students on their blogs, but our weekly selection is independent and most students compete purely for the honour and for the challenge.)

University # students featured # posts included
Ulster 44 115
Solent 6 51
Sunderland 7 38
Leeds Beckett 11 28
Lincoln 1 10
University of the Arts 1 2
Birmingham City 1 1


So, congratulations to Niamh Murray and Emma Rogers, and to Ulster University.

Not shortlisted, but not forgotten

The contest isn’t only about numbers; it’s also about quality. Here’s my pick of exceptional PR student writing from those not shortlisted, ranked according to the table above.

Over to Orlagh Shanks, who will now choose her successor as Best PR Student Blogger 2020.