This week in PR (10 November)

About the author
Richard Bailey Hon FCIPR is editor of PR Academy Insights. He has taught and assessed undergraduate, postgraduate and professional students.

News in brief
- 65 people have been appointed to the 2018 PRCA Council following an election
- Among the winners at the PRCA National Awards 2017 was Emma Leech for In-house Professional of the Year. She is also CIPR president-elect for 2018.
- Jo-Ann Robertson will replace Denise Kaufmann as CEO of Ketchum London in January [PR Week]
- Arun Sudhaman explores the underperformance of publicly-held PR consultancy groups [Holmes Report]
- The Advertising Standards Authority is expected to issue new advice on the use of misleading advertising by universities [BBC News]
- Free webinar: Income Generation Strategies and the Comms You Need to Succeed, 2-3pm, 23 November 2017
- An evening for NHS communicators – internal communications, free event, London, 25 January 2018
- PR: Back to the Future CIPR Marcoms Group event on 23 January 2018
- The World Public Relations Forum 2018 is in Oslo, 22-24 April 2018. Here’s the call for papers.
- Barcelona International Critical PR Conference is on 2-3 July 2018. Deadline for submissions 1 March 2018 (email [email protected])
- International History of Public Relations Conference is in Bournemouth, 11-12 July 2018. Deadline for the call for papers is 18 December 2017 (email [email protected])
- Women in the media: Who creates the news? Call for book chapters.
- FuturePRoof Edition 3 will focus on the NHS at 70. Details to follow.
Pick of the posts
These are the editor’s pick of posts about public relations this week. Recommendations are welcome to [email protected]
- Vikki Chowney: With great power comes great responsibility (3 November)
‘We all know the stats; people trust influencers more, they pay more attention to them, and there’s a hell of a lot of money being thrown that way by advertisers.’ - Katie Macaulay: Time to lose any sense of inferiority (6 November)
‘The inferiority complex must end! Our work is growing in significance as culture, values and purpose take centre stage in all aspects of reputational management.’ - Chris Lee: PR consolidates role as brand storyteller and defender of reputation (study) (7 November)
‘PR is finally finding its natural place as defender of reputation and storyteller-in-chief for brands.’ - Paul Sutton: What Happened To My Business When I Stopped Checking Emails (8 November)
‘The amount of time I have saved with two initiatives alone is incredible, and as a result I’m more productive and I’m producing higher quality work.’ - Amanda Coleman: An honour and a responsibility (8 November)
‘The team are amazing and have had to do things no communicator would ever expect to face.’ - Neville Hobson: Twitter offers richer scope with 280 characters (9 November)
‘My reaction was a positive one: while it may well encourage verbose junk tweets, overall I see it will be a useful aid to discussion and engagement.’ - Gini Dietrich: Content Creation Series: How To Create Your Content Plan (7 November)
‘We are going to spend November talking about a strategic approach to content creation.’
#prstudent #bestPRblogs
Here’s our pick of the best posts by those studying public relations and/or aspiring to work in PR.
- Carla McCloskey (Ulster, 4): Life after Graduation: Not Sure What is Next? (3 November)
‘With deadlines for the large organisations’ graduate schemes drawing close, I am beginning to feel a little overwhelmed.’ - Orlagh Shanks (Liverpool John Moores, 3): #PlacementSeries: Time to get organised (3 November)
‘It’s recommended to apply for 20-30 placements. The more you apply to, the more likely you are of getting a placement.’ - Niall Byrne (Ulster, 4): PR-ing my way into the future (hopefully) (4 November)
‘My course isn’t about “repping” for clubs; it has a lot of content on communication, language, interpersonal skills, advertising, marketing, politics and lobbying.’ - Jessica Pardoe (Liverpool John Moores, 3): Is All Publicity Good Publicity? (9 November)
‘It does not seem logical that a brand would essentially throw itself under the bus in order to obtain a bit of publicity.’ - Claire Simpson (Aston, 4): Out of character? (9 November)
‘Concerns are already growing that the kinds of rambling, over-indulgent posts spotted on the likes of Facebook and, less often, LinkedIn will now spread to Twitter too.’