This week in PR (11 October)

About the author

Richard Bailey Hon FCIPR is editor of PR Academy's PR Place Insights. He has taught and assessed undergraduate, postgraduate and professional students.

University of Birmingham @nikolas_zawaher
University of Birmingham @nikolas_zawaher

News in brief

  • Greggs was announced as ‘brand of the year’ at the Marketing Week awards 2019
  • There’s an in-depth profile of Francis Ingham in Communicate magazine as the PRCA celebrates its 50th anniversary with the claim to be the world’s largest public relations professional association.
  • PRCA moves to merge with CIPR’. It may not be new news, but it’s certainly a story. At the very least, it’s a question that will continue to be asked.
  • Mental Health awareness: research for the PRCA suggests that almost nine out of ten practitioners struggle with mental wellbeing.

Academic and education

Purpose and professionalism

  • Ella Minty: Why Energy Companies Need Public Relations (10 October)
    ‘What the energy industry needs now is highly skilled practitioners – not in the art of spin, astroturfing, white and greenwashing and so on – who understand what energy is all about, who understand the complexity of the environments energy companies operate in, and who can break down the difficulties of the energy trilemma: security, sustainability and affordability.’

Consulting and careers

Politics and public affairs

Crisis and reputation

      • Charlie Pownall: Why deepfakes should be on the reputational radar (9 October)
        ‘Concern is widespread that artificially generated ‘deepfake’ videos pose a major potential problem for those targeted, be they companies, CEOs, celebrities, academics and commentators, or politicians.’
      • Lindsey Hill: How brands can stay grounded whilst ‘flight shame’ takes off (8 October)
        ‘We’re seeing some of the biggest protests in history across the globe and consumers have had enough – coming together all because of two words: climate change.’
      • Stuart Bruce: Crisis communications – academics and practitioners learning and sharing global best practice (7 October)
        ‘Crisis6 is primarily a conference for PR and communications academics, but there were a few practitioners there and some academics who also practice and consult. It is disappointing that more public relations professionals don’t take advantage of the wealth of knowledge and research available from the many universities that research and teach PR and communications.’

Wellbeing, gender and diversity

AI and automation

Internal communication

      • Matt Batten: What I learnt at yesterday’s CIPR Inside conference (9 October)
        ‘There was so much good content that trying to narrow it down has been difficult. In no particular order, here are my top takeaways.’
      • Martin Flegg: Changing The Conversation – What was the point? (10 October)
        ‘Way back in January 2019 I suggested to the committee that our theme for this year’s conference should be about trying to shift the conversation away from some of the things we’ve been discussing as internal communicators for years.’
      • Ian Harris: Strategic measurement – Sarah-Jane Wakefield, Standard Chartered (7 October)
        ‘If you want to be a trusted strategic advisor and want to be listened to, then you need to be able to influence and challenge your senior stakeholders. To do that effectively, you need proof points, feedback, data, evidence – some form of measurement.’
      • Adam Driver: Five mistakes to avoid when entering comms awards (6 October)
        ‘I’ve noticed a few mistakes that – I feel – should be avoided to give your entry the best chance of success. Some may seem obvious to comms folk, but you’d be surprised – “do as I say, not as I do…”’

Media and digital

#prstudent #bestPRblogs

    • Rosalie Edge (Ulster): Always take the scenic route… (10 October)
      ‘Last year, I promised myself that I would start blogging, but I just didn’t get round to it. I suppose I did sometimes make excuses, like not having enough time or not wanting to come across as narcissistic, but it all boiled down to my own lack of self-confidence in my ability to take the plunge and just do it.’
    • Fionnuala Hegarty (Ulster): A Series of Unfortunate Events ft. Meghan Markle (9 October)
      ‘Tabloids take advantage of her background, race and personality to relentlessly bully her, sharing inaccurate information and feral commentary, disregarding all human costs.’
    • Nóirín O’Neill (Ulster): A quick guide to Public Relations Tweetchats (8 October)
      ‘Tweetchats are so much fun. You can connect with #PR people from academia and professional practice who are based all around the world. These PR tweeps share their ideas and expertise freely! This is important if you are a new #PRStudent seeking to understand Public Relations.’
    • Niamh Murray (Ulster): Digital Detox (7 October)
      ‘I didn’t miss seeing selfies, coffee art or food. I didn’t miss seeing how people were at the gym, how drunk they were getting on Saturday and how much they were dying on Sunday.’
    • Hannah Chambers (Ulster): “I Am Looking For A Professional Marketer – Not a Bikini Model” – In Defence of the Austin Bikini Shamed Job Applicant. (5 October)
      ‘I think it’s ok for companies to scan a candidates social media and I think it’s almost expected nowadays. However I don’t think it’s ok for a company to call out a candidate on their Instagram page, especially for the way she dresses.