This week in PR (27 April)

About the author

Richard Bailey Hon FCIPR is editor of PR Academy Insights. He has taught and assessed undergraduate, postgraduate and professional students.

'I want my time with you' by Tracey Emin ?? (Danielle Higgins @danielle1610 on Instagram)
'I want my time with you' by Tracey Emin ?? (Danielle Higgins @danielle1610 on Instagram)

News in brief


Our calendar of events now appears on a separate page

Thought leaders: Pick of the posts

These are the editor’s pick of posts about public relations this week (UK focused, but with a global outlook). Recommendations are welcome to [email protected] or @pr_place

Business / profession

  • Rachel Miller: UK Government comms Plan goes live (26 April)
    ‘This year’s plan is a must-read for every government communicator, every piece of our work, no matter how big or small, fits into our overall narrative and delivering the Government’s priorities.’
  • Sarah Hall: This National Media-Led Shaming Of People Has To Stop (25 April)
    We supposedly live in a democracy where we can all express our views. But it becomes a real threat to free speech when people are frightened to share their experiences or voice an opinion for fear of being shouted down and abused.’
  • Jennifer Sanchis: Cambridge Analytica: PR learnings from the whole debacle (23 April)
    ‘Research-based targeting and data-driven message engineering are at the core of what we do.’
  • Chris Lee: How is the PR industry adapting to the march of artificial intelligence? (23 April)
    ‘We can conclude that many jobs within the PR industry will be enhanced, some will disappear, and many new – as yet unknown – roles will be created.’
  • Sarah Roberts: AI in PR: What do we need to consider now? (22 April)
    ‘There are so many unknowns on the road ahead, so I wanted to finish on some wise words from the CIPR’s Platinum Podcast, where co-author of the Cluetrain Manifesto David Weinberger urges us within the PR profession to not pass up the opportunity that this new technology gives us.’
  • Heather Yaxley: Life (21 April)
    ‘Public relations is about people. The relationships that people, individually and collectively, have with organisations and the people within them.’

Careers and skills

  • Mike Sergeant: Pause: the power of silence (25 April)
    ‘One of the most effective ways to communicate is to stop talking.’
  • Jake O’Neill / Marcel Klebba: MK: The best PR blog in the UK (25 April)
    ‘Because of the blog, I built relationships. I was recently on a panel with Women in PR about personal branding and the people from the panel knew that I wrote my dissertation on personal branding, and I wrote about the dissertation on my blog.’
  • Stephen WaddingtonGlobal Capabilities Framework sets standard for PR skills (24 April)
    ‘An online assessment tool has been developed for use by individual practitioners, team leaders and employers. It is designed to encourage professionals to identify the capabilities they would like to develop and access resources to assist in these goals.’
  • Michael White: 7 Content Marketing Tips for The Future of B2B (23 April)
    ‘Audience-led, insightful storytelling, needs to sit at the heart of a content marketing strategy.’
  • Sally Northeast: 7 reasons not to come to comms unplugged – and how to overcome them (21 April)
    ‘We get it – [camping] is not for everyone. But CU17 saw a mixture of experienced campers and those who had never done it before. The pros helped the novices and everyone ‘pitched’ in helping to build a remarkable little community.’

Campaigns and creativity

  • Ross Wigham: Nine comms lessons from the #UnAwards masterclass (25 April)
    ‘UnAward which are designed as a no-fluff, anti-corporate recognition scheme for the best work and to act as something of an antidote to the unusual glittering, mainstream ceremonies.’

Crisis and reputation

Gender and diversity

  • Ronke Lawal: How to Develop the Confidence to Sell (26 April)
    ‘There so many women have amazing products and services that no one hears about, because they don’t have the confidence to tell people about them.’

Internal communication

  • Advita Patel: Five things I wish I knew when starting out… (25 April)
    ‘If you have something to add then speak up and if you’re sat in a meeting longer than 10 minutes and you haven’t said anything, question why you are there.’
  • Jenni Kampf: Trust me… (24 April)
    ‘As we ask our employees to trust us as the voice of their organisation, so we need to trust our people.’

Media and digital

#prstudent #bestPRblogs

Here are two useful resource for PR students:

And here’s our pick of the best posts by those studying public relations and/or aspiring to work in PR.

  • Orlagh Shanks (Liverpool John Moores):#PlacementYear: Month Nine (26 April)
    ‘My first experience working from home wasn’t the best, however. I kept getting distracted, coffee breaks were a lot more regular, as were trips to the fridge. I wasn’t very productive.’
  • Emma McVeigh (Ulster): Student Life: Expectation V. Reality (26 April)
    ‘Whilst university may not be entirely as you first expected, most would agree that it’s a brilliant, unforgettable experience that goes by in the blink of an eye. So embrace student life and enjoy it whilst you can, because the real world *shudders*is just around the corner!’
  • Rebecca Midgley (Leeds Beckett): Changing perceptions about men’s mental health (25 April)
    ‘Encouraging men to talk about how they’re feeling and what they’re going through can contribute towards prevention; it can stop people from feeling isolated and alone whilst struggling with mental health issues.’
  • Lauren Kearns (Ulster): UK versus USA education and culture, the difference across the Atlantic! (25 April)
    ‘Americans are not embarrassed by their emotions and they applaud ambition and openly reward success. We avoid sincerity until it’s absolutely necessary.’
  • Jessica Pardoe (Liverpool John Moores): How to improve your Domain Authority (25 April)
    ‘The highest DA’s come from sites that are well established, post regularly, have good relationships with other sites and that are always posting relevant (and clean!) content.’
  • Kieran Rumsby (Lincoln): The importance of Cygnet PR (24 April)
    ‘I feel as though this project has been a good example of why Cygnet is useful for PR students at the University of Lincoln and gives individuals a flavour for the type of work that they will be carrying out.’
  • Jack Walton (BCU): Presenting my PR Paper at the #MidsPRConf (20 April)
    ‘This was one of the biggest presentations I’ve done so far, and I’m beyond happy to say it was the best one I’ve ever done!’