We name the UK’s best PR student blogger 2021

About the author

Richard Bailey Hon FCIPR is editor of PR Academy Insights. He has taught and assessed undergraduate, postgraduate and professional students.

The stats are in, and the winner is clear. Eloise Newman of Solent University is best PR student blogger 2021, with special commendations to Megan Laura Harris of Liverpool John Moores University and Sophie Smith of Newcastle University.

None of these came from the most prominent university, though. Once again, Ulster University leads the chart with two thirds of those featured in the weekly #bestPRblogs round-ups this past academic year.

University Students featured Appearances
Ulster 60 92
Sunderland 6 41
Newcastle 4 31
Solent 3 30
Liverpool John Moores 1 18
Leeds Beckett 10 17
BCU 1 4
Lincoln 1 2
Cardiff 1 1
Birmingham 1 1
TOTAL 89 243


When it comes to individual appearances, Eloise Newman is a clear winner.

Rank Name Appearances
1 Eloise Newman (Solent UG) 28
2 Megan Laura Harris (Liverpool John Moores UG) 18
3 Sophie Smith (Newcastle PG) 15
4 Katie Hull (Sunderland PG) 13
5= Piotr Boiwka (Newcastle PG) 12
5= Rachael Thompson (Sunderland PG) 12
7 Kayleigh Tinney (Ulster) 10
8 Ste Linsley (Sunderland PG) 9
9 Daisy Hughes (Sunderland PG) 8
10= Ciara Hughes (Ulster UG) 6
10= Babett Kürschner (LCC/UAL UG) 6


Speaking at an event to celebrate this year’s #prstudent bloggers, Eloise Newman talked of her ‘passion for ethics’ as the inspiration behind her blog.

Eloise Newman

The UK's best PR student blogger 2021


Reviewing past winners from this contest and community, a similar pattern emerges with the same universities featuring:

Year Winner University
2021 Eloise Newman Solent
2020 Niamh Murray Ulster
2019 Orlagh Shanks Liverpool John Moores
2018 Orlagh Shanks Liverpool John Moores
2017 Lucy Hayball Bournemouth
2016 Arianne Smart (was Williams) Sunderland
2015 Livi Crawford (was Wilkes) Solent
2014 Jess Ramsey Sunderland